When Mine Canaries Stop Singing
by Nancy Avery Dafoe
Full-length, Paper
List: $22.99
When Mine Canaries Stop Singing is a lyrical warning for us to take better care of the Earth and all of her species or find ourselves in the extinction category. This poetry collection is centered around what we have failed to do, but also what we still could do to improve our prospects, reduce our carbon footprint, and extend life in all its glorious forms on our planet.
Poet, author, educator Nancy Avery Dafoe has 13 published books with her 14th coming out this year. Her most recent books include the poetry collection The House Was Quiet, But the Mind Was Anxious (FLP, 2022) a memoir Unstuck in Time (PWP, 2021), and a literary novel Socrates is Dead Again (2022). Her poetry won the William Faulkner/Wisdom award in 2016, and her prose poetry won a national award from the Soul-Making Literary competition. She is a member of the CNY Branch of the National League of American Pen Women and lives in Homer, New York.
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