Prisonegg by Jonathan Pessant



In “Prisonegg” Jonathan Pessant shows us a huge arc of character. We begin with the military as a way to prove masculinity – ghosts are “pressed flat” as photos and a name’s “double-edgedness” is “compressed upon us.” “Obscene Machines” threaten to take over. Life as a prison guard begins with an extreme sense of limitation, but this confinement yields surprising intimacy — when an inmate shaves a guard with a straight razor, or a lover wakes to the soft snore of poems. Pessant is a master of “the technique of gone,” turning memory’s complexities over and over until their expansiveness opens up. In a short number of pages, manliness swerves into the night; the future gurgles, unnatural and anticipatory. “Prisonegg” is a true triumph — Pessant allows a reader to feel how life plays with us and how we play with life, how we become a father to our own selves.

–Jefferson Navicky, author of Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands






by Jonathan Pessant


List: $17.99



Remembering is a prison. The poems in Prisonegg are a timeline, from contract signing to basic training, from military prison guard to the complexity prison of marriage, then divorce. They are memories of the good, the bad, and the nearly forgotten. While Fort Leavenworth and the United States Disciplinary Barracks is the central setting for the narrative, it lives beyond fact and fiction, where past can be a prison but also eggs us into being ourselves.

Jonathan Pessant is a Maine poet and Army veteran. He holds an MFA from the University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast MFA program. His literary lineage includes Beat poetry and early cyberpunk fiction.


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