Word Bully by Clela Reed
There is a delicacy of observation in Clela Reed’s Word Bully and a keen sense of observation of both outer nature and inner nature: “Light as a mote of dust/on shafts of light.” Her Farrowing perhaps best expresses her sensibilities as a writer: “Words spilling out at last in the rush of birth, /wet and new, warming up to life/and demanding to be heard.” These poems by Clela Reed demand to be heard. A delightful read.
–Dianna Mackinnon Henning, author of Cathedral of the Hand, Finishing Line Press.
Enter recess in the Playground of Language. In this poetry collection, words are pulled and stretched, their pockets turned out to reveal hidden meaning. Clela Reed claims the title of “Word Bully,” but she is more a playmate than a bully – she’ll make you smile and reconsider, eager to return to these happy, delightful companions.
–Gail Karwoski, award-winning author of 14 books for young readers, including her best-known novel, Seaman, the Dog Who Explored the West with Lewis and Clark, and a rhyming board book, Thank You, Trees!
Like a champion figure skater’s performance, Clela Reed‘s poetry shows grace and delicacy flowing from power and skill. While Reed styles herself a playground word bully in the title poem, she seems more like the ringleader at recess who takes the other kids into adventures and fun. I can see her turning the radio on some lively music and leading the words in a joyous dance.
–David Oates, poet and host of “Wordland” radio show.
Word Bully
by Clela Reed
$14.99, paper
Clela Reed is a long-time resident of Athens, Georgia, a former high school teacher and facilitator for the gifted, and a frequent traveler. She is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently The Hero of the Revolution Serves Us Tea (Negative Capability Press, 2014), based on her Peace Corps service in Romania. She has had poems published in The Cortland Review, The Southern Poetry Review, The Atlanta Review, and many others.
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