by Bonnie Maurer
$14, paper
Bonnie Maurer holds a Masters in Teaching English as a Second Language and an MFA in poetry from Indiana University. Her book, Reconfigured, came out in 2009 from Finishing Line Press. She is the author of three previous chapbooks: Ms Lily Jane Babbitt Before the Ten O’clock Bus from Memphis Ran Over Her, Old 37: The Mason Cows, and Bloodletting: A Ritual Poem for Women’s Voices. Her poems have appeared in the Indiana Review and Nimrod International Journal, on the Indy Go buses in Indianapolis, and on a CD of Central Indiana Women Musicians. She has poems forthcoming in War Literature & the Arts, and in an anthology: And Know This Place: Poetry of Indiana. Maurer has conducted creative writing/healing workshops for the homeless in recovery, for the HIV+/AIDs affected/infected population and for cancer patients at The Wellness Center. Maurer grew up in Indianapolis where she continues to live and work as a poet for Young Audiences Indiana, as a copy editor for the Indianapolis Business Journal, and as an Ai Chi (aquatic flowing energy) instructor at the JCC.
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