When the Ice Melts by Laura Glenn


Laura Glenn’s poems reveal a sense of strength with nature as a steady reassurance, “down the lake / of time, the reflections appear / in sequence—staggered—and stagnant / for the moment, like the gone.” Each poem in her brilliant new collection When the Ice Melts is executed deftly, sometimes somberly, but always full of promise.


Leah Maines, best-selling, award-winning author, editor and actor



When the Ice Melts

by Laura Glenn

$14.99, paper

Laura Glenn’s first book of poems, I Can’t Say I’m Lost, was published by FootHills. Her poems have appeared in many journals, including, The Antioch Review, Boulevard, Cortland Review, Epoch, Green Mountains Review, Literal Latté, Massachusetts Review, Poet Lore, Poetry, Rattapallax, Smartish Pace, and the anthology, A Fragile Index of the World. She is the recipient of a poetry grant from AE Ventures and a CAP fellowship in poetry. Also a visual artist, she lives in Ithaca, NY, where she works as a freelance editor.


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