subverse by Bob Brooks



People speak of journalists as wordsmiths. A poet is to a journalist as a watchmaker is to a blacksmith. Bob Brooks polishes words and phrases into glittering mechanisms to delight the ear and the mind — and often delivers a punch line, to make you read it again.

–Laurie van Someren


The poems in Bob Brooks’s Subverse are not tiny: they are capacious; they draw us into such active participation that we feel we are the recipients of a profound generosity.

–Audrey Henderson, author of Airstream

Rating:  ***** [5 of 5 Stars!]





by Bob Brooks

paper, $14.49

Poet Bob Brooks lives in Concord, Massachusetts, and Stockton Springs, Maine.

After college (Harvard) and the army (as a translator) Mr. Brooks settled into a long-term job as editor at a computer systems company, which he left in the late eighties.

He started publishing in the late nineties, in such magazines as The Beloit Poetry Journal, Mudfish, Poetry, Poetry Northwest, Prairie Schooner, Rattle, and many others; and in five chapbooks, Still in Here Someplace (2002) from Pudding House Publications, A Story Anyone Could Stick To (2008), Three-season Views (2009) Companion Pieces (2012), and subverse (2015), all from Finishing Line Press.

His first full-length collection, Unguarded Crossing, appeared in the winter of 2011 from Antrim House Books; in spring 2012 it was named first runner-up for the Eric Hoffer Book Award for Poetry and was short-listed for the Maine Literary Award in Poetry. It’s available most easily from the Antrim House website catalog.


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