TRUE CONFESSIONS by Joanne Greenway



Joanne Greenway’s second chapbook of poems is openly and frankly autobiographical. This is lucky for her readers, because she’s exceptionally attuned to the quirky surprises and unpredictable insights, moments of speculation and fantasy,  the triumphs and  humiliations, sweet consolations and poignant regrets of day-to-day life—whether hers, or those of family, friends, or even strangers she observes. All is rendered with startling vividness in the pungent, clever, wry voice of a spunky, resilient, wise and wise-cracking seventy-something woman. From childhood pleasures and struggles to the long years of widowhood, she sees all and forgets nothing. Every turn of phrase prompts delight or chastened agreement; each poem tells its tiny, brightly-lit story of everyday revelation that most of us don’t notice but all of us agree with when we read it: yes indeed, that’s life, that’s the way life is.

–Mark Louis Lehman, author of Mocky’s Revinge and 17 Haunted Houses


Joanne Greenway has a knack for lacing together the humorous and absurd with the serious in a way that enhances each. This talent abounds in her new collection of poems, or should I say confessions? This verse is rich in particulars which range from June Cleaver’s Immaculate Heart to a mob goomba named Sally. God, many quirky family members, a Bissell’s Little Queen, the Angel of Death, an affliction of Catholic Tourette’s, and even Chubettes (look it up) make an appearance.  You’ll enjoy and learn more than even hoped for from these true confessions.

Jerry Judge, author of Luna Moth and Night Talk in the Barracks






by Joanne Greenway

$13.99, paper



Joanne Greenway was born and raised in rural upstate New York. She holds a Master’s Degree in French Literature from IU Bloomington, but began a social work career in 1973. Thirty years later came retirement and widowhood—and plenty of time to reflect and write.

A member since 2006, she is currently  president of the Greater Cincinnati Writers League, a poetry organization that has met continuously for over 80 years.

When not writing, she is reading: fiction, biography and  poetry. Among her many other interests: volunteering with disadvantaged elementary school children in the inner city, politics, pets and the creative and performing arts.


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