What Can Be Saved by Jane Vincent Taylor



Words and things, what is lost and what is saved. In this haunting counterpoint between Momma and Lovey, the reader plays both parts, understanding that words have extraordinary power and things can be imbued with meaning far beyond what we might first expect. Though loss accompanies us from the first monologue to the last, Jane Taylor‘s collection of small poems is definately something to be saved.

–Anita Skeen, author of Resurrection of the Animals, and Director of the Center for Poery at the Residential College of Arts and Humanities, Michigan State University.


The poems here are very familiar to us in the autism community. They illuminate, give voice to our lives. Structuring the book in twovoices, and braiding their stories is a brilliant technique that brings the reader right into the kitchen with these two women.

–Barbara Crooker, author of two books of poetry: Radiance and Line Dance.


In giving us this collection of fine-crafted poems, Jane Vincent Taylor brings to light the ache and love of one family’s drama told in the voices of Momma and Lovey. I find the poet’s respect for her subjects moving and her ear for idiom and syntax astonishing.

–Judith Tate O’Brien, author of Mythic Places and Everything That Is – Is Connected.





What Can Be Saved

by Jane Vincent Taylor

$14, paper

Jane Vincent Taylor has been teaching creative writing at Ghost Ranch, a retreat and education center in New Mexico, for the past decade or so. Her poems have appeared in This LandNimrodStill Point Quarterly, and elsewhere. Her most recent book of poetry is called  The Lady Victory. Taylor lives in Oklahoma City.


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