We by Michael Gurshtein



Michael Gurshtein‘s poetry collection We is a lyrical cry for us all to look within and a comforting testimony of finding home and peace within oneself. His poems are also a testament to the immigrant’s experience of seeking a life that includes hope. The banality of daily events is given a divinity by Gurshtein as he encourages the reader to both seize the day (you could die that day) and practice gratitude for the richness of life and also the ‘trivial things.’ Throughout the collection he explores the dichotomy of inner and outer worlds – daring us to look within and find our salvation there. The motifs of time, family, foundations, and love appear throughout this vibrant collection as Gurshtein suggests that with a little ‘[blind stumbling]’ we shall ‘encounter all the fruit we seek.'”

–Cristina A. BejanGreen Horses on the Walls (Finishing Line Press, 2020)


“It’s amazing how two small letters — “w” and “e”—sitting side by side can hold so much meaning. The word “we” is used when a speaker refers to her/him/their self in consideration of togetherness with one or more other people. “We” is, therefore, a perfect title for Michael Gurshtein‘s beautiful new collection of poems, because it is a thoughtful and deeply felt reflection on how the parts of our selves fit together both singularly and collectively. These poems are filled with a search for personal truth and that search is made up of equal parts longing and gratitude. I felt and thought so many things while engaged with this book; more than anything, though, it felt like a celebratory meditation of what and who we are at any given moment in time.”

–Jeffrey Neuman, Playwright and Literary Events Coordinator





by Michael Gurshtein

$14.99, Paper



We  is the perpetual outsider’s struggle to find the common elements of humanity within and for himself. Ranging from personal battles and hurts to the universal challenges everyone must face sooner or later, this cycle seeks to take the long view of life and stumble its way into the sense of lasting peace championed by great philosophers throughout history. It is left to the reader to decide whether the attempt is successful or futile.


Michael Aleksandrovich Gurshtein was born in Moscow, Russia and lived there through the fall of the Soviet Union. In 1995, his family traded the metropolitan bustle of Moscow for the peaceful quiet of small-town Colorado. Michael returned to big city life following his time at the University of Colorado, settling in Denver, where he continues to live to this day.

Michael’s life has always been strongly driven by books and theatre. Through these media, he has endlessly explored history, philosophy, science, and art, and continues to find fascination in the ongoing human conversation about what it means to be here and what makes life interesting and worthwhile. His sincerest hope is to add value with his voice to that conversation.

Michael spends his time acting, practicing martial arts, learning new languages, diving down historic rabbit holes, concocting and chasing adventures, and delving into the multi-faceted, complex nature of human relationships. By day, he sometimes masquerades as an engineer.




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