A Heavenly Symposium by Claire-Elise Baalke



The common definition of symposium is a collection of papers on a particular subject. Another, more antiquated meaning of the word is a drinking party or convivial discussion, especially as held in ancient Greece. This chapbook is written as a kind of conversation in the same sense as the definitions of “symposium” between the author and myth, psychology, astrology, history, and science of the planets. All of these ideas come together to display the sense of apotelesma or connection between human nature and the influence of the stars on human destiny and how one might pull together such fragmented ideas of one very specific (or not) thing, the heavenly bodies.









A Heavenly Symposium

by Claire-Elise Baalke





Claire-Elise Baalke received a MA in English at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and recently began her PhD in Medieval Studies at the University of New Mexico. She has poetry publications in The Bangalore Review, Cirque Journal, and the Flying Ketchup Press’ collection titled, “Night Forest.”



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