A Murmuration of Words by Martha Royster



Martha Royster’s poems invite you gently into her world – the space before the beginning.  Enter and share the wonder of the seasons of her rich rural life, honoring the myriad creatures who populate her surroundings. Settle with her book A Murmuration of Words in a quiet place, and you may feel as I did — as if you are suddenly behind the eyes of a person who walks lightly on the earth, noticing every tiny living miracle.

–Maria E. Rosales, author of Armageddon Bootcamp and Touchstones





A Murmuration of Words

by Martha Royster


List: $17.99



Photography is drawing with light. Poetry is painting with words.

Open the cover of A Murmuration of Words to reveal a gallery of poems illuminating the natural world. The elusive owl ushers you into an exhibition of the passage of seasons through the garden, illustrating the promise of winter, the surprise of spring, the anticipation of summer and the splendor of fall. The soundtrack of the poetry collection is rich with migrating geese, young hens celebrating finding their wings, the barking of working dogs, and wind making leaves noisy. Cold mist descends, swollen with the scent of snow. Vultures observe your progress through the poems as death pays a visit; its icy touch irrevocably alters the garden and its inhabitants. As you close the book after the last poem, perhaps a small taste of the magic of the garden lingers.

Educated at Mills College in Biochemistry and German Studies, Martha lives in the Pacific Northwest tending a small waypoint under the Pacific Flyway in a garden surrounded by birds, butterflies, and a lot of roses. While poetry is often an illusion, there is a real garden at the creative heart of this collection. She can usually be found outside with a pack of enthusiastic dogs, capturing the magic of the garden with poems and a camera lens. A Murmuration of Words is her first poetry collection.


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