A Siege of Raptors by Nancy Scott





The idea for the format of this chapbook was inspired by James Lipton’s delightful book of venery titles, An Exaltation of Larks.



A Bolt of Brides


Penniless, he built his bride
a house with no roof or walls,
only a door of twisted twigs.


Most days, she’d sit and stare
across the foggy moor, dream
of children she would never rear.


At night, she’d hook a kettle
on the hob that didn’t warm
and latch the door against the wind.


A wild dog adopted her.
She’d pluck the burrs from its coat
and feed it off her plate.


She never raised her voice
to complain, yet the poor man knew
that howling from the uplands


would rouse in her
desires he could not fulfill.
The day she disappeared


she left his supper on the table,
a brackish stew
of thistledown and thorns.







A Siege of Raptors

by Nancy Scott

$14, paper

Nancy Scott is the  Managing Editor of U.S.1 Worksheets, the journal of the U.S.1 Poets’ Cooperative in New Jersey. Her poems have appeared in numerous anthologies and journals, including Segue, Umbrella, Liberty’s Vigil, U.S.1 Worksheets, Blue Lyra Review, Cyclamens and Swords, The Copperfield Review, New York Quarterly, Edison Literary Review, Canary, Miller’s Pond, Apollo’s Lyre, Slant, Mudfish, Verse Wisconsin, phati’tude, Raven Chronicles, Exit 13, Stillwater Review, Sleet, Stepaway Magazine, San Pedro River Review, Pudding Magazine, Poet Lore, Front Porch Review, The BluePrint Review, Witness, Literary Mama, On Barcelona, The Ledge, Slipstream, Lullwater Review, Chantarelle’s Notebook, Schuylkill Valley Review, Rattapallax, Tiferet, Struggle, Cultural Logic, Shot Glass Journal, The Fib Review, Caduceus, and The Prose Poem Project

Book include: Down to the Quick (2007); One Stands Guard, One Sleeps (2009); A Siege of Raptors (Finishing Line Press, 2010), Detours & Diversions (Main Street Rag, 2011), and On Location, a collection of ekphrastic poems (March Street Press, 2011); Midwestern Memories (Aldrich Press, 2013) Running Down Broken Cement (Main Street Rag, 2014);The Owl Prince (2015)Aldrich Press published Ah, Men, (Aldrich Press 2016)


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