All the Pretty Things Are Dying by Laurel Maxwell



In her collection, All the Pretty Things are Dying, Laurel Maxwell asks her readers to engage with the work by asking questions. In “Eight”: “What about those unbelieving believers who hunger?/What about the waves that continually somersault onto the shore?” In “Bottled Hearts”: “Is that how the heart keeps from grieving?/Continually remaking itself until it has become something else altogether?” And then answers, which aren’t meant to be the answers, bur rather a means to provoke deeper reflection. In “Warning”: “The ocean only wants to whisper to sand/…Trees want to root and shoot like arrows in the azure sky.” After Pablo Neruda, after Mary Oliver, Maxwell asks us again and again, “And what is it we desire in the world?” speaking to longing, heart and destruction, inviting readers into a dialogue which includes Ilya Kaminsky, Naomi Shihab Nye, Aida Limon, ocean, monarchs, redwoods, worms and potatoes. In one of the final poems, “What I Carry,” Maxwell queries “Then how do you live?/Unfolding like a flower that turns its head to the sun.” As these poems unfold with keen observation, piquant language, understated elegance and deep wisdom.

–Magdalena Montagne, Author Earth My Witness











All the Pretty Things Are Dying

by Laurel Maxwell





All the Pretty Things Are Dying includes poems that speak to environmental loss, longing for the heart’s desires to be seen and recognized, beauty in life’s everyday moments, and questions that reach into the soul. Many poems rely on close observation of the natural world in order to make sense of our place in the universe and grapple with how to exist while living within a  constant state of change and uncertainty.

Laurel Maxwell is a writer and poet from Santa Cruz, CA. Her work draws inspiration from the natural world and is moved by the ways people interact with a changing climate. Her work has appeared at, coffecontrails, phren-z, Verse-Virtual, Tulip Tree Review, and Yellow Arrow Vignette. She also blogs about travel, and teaching. She holds a B.A from Whitworth University and served as Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic.  She works in education and loves to get lost in bookshops.


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