Beyond the Noisy Membrane, Poems by Mary Imo-Stike



Mary Imo-Stike’s new book, Beyond the Noisy Membrane, is a unique contribution to modern poetry, reflecting her singular and important place in the world. For her, even the rocks “hold our stories,/broken and discarded pieces/of our lives.”  Imo-Stikes’s self-awareness is deeper than the babble we often encounter not only in social media and what passes for news but even in today’s literature. Her book is for people who want the hard impact of history on daily life. She asks to be buried “face down in Spring” so “I’ll embrace this earth/that holds the remains of my ancestors/who pushed seed deep with bony fingers.”


Beyond the Noisy Membrane is grounded in a Native American past still alive for her and, through these poems, for us. She feels the sting of lynching, the “noose still wringing my neck.” Although many of these poems hint at burial, rehearsals for a final act, Imo-Stike understand that our mortality highlights the joys to be found in simple acts, as in her poem When I Make the Bed:


I snap a crisp clean cover over

the carefully and freshly placed sheets,

and watch it float down and settle

unwrinkled and ready to caress

our work-worn bodies with comfort,

with love and promise of sleep.

 —David Salner, author of the 2023 Portage Poetry Series title, The Green Vault Heist and Summer Words: New and Selected Poems and the 2021 novel


From the very first poem in this fine collection, Imo-Stike places us in a thin place where a moon resonates with a “loud neon” Coca-Cola sign, places us in a unique yet quite verifiable “here!” This notion of place, this here is critically important and revelatory for many of these superb poems, a here with “rounded river rocks, like bread loaves rising.” That place should be so central is, of course, not surprising for a poet who proudly claims native ancestry. Among the many places in these poems are places of death and erotic attraction, places from which stories are born and re-told, places that fuel a desire for the “here” beyond “the noisy membrane” of life rushing by, a desire for the “real and wild that lives on here.” For myself I know I’ll be making a place for these lovely poems here on my very own shelves.

–Marc Harshman, Poet Laureate of West Virginia and winner of the Blue Lynx Prize for Woman in Red Anorak







Beyond the Noisy Membrane, Poems

by Mary Imo-Stike


List: $17.99



The poems of Beyond the Noisy Membrane identify and celebrate the connections between what’s on the everyday roadways we travel and in the vast worlds that encompass us.

They embrace the complex simplicity of the natural world juxtaposed with our human desire for understanding our place in it.  They strive to extract and reveal stories from the life-ground we walk on, from the sight of a single kernel of yellow corn or the full moon, expansive in a winter night sky.

Mary Imo-Stike was born and raised in Rochester, New York.

She worked non-traditional jobs as a railroad track laborer, a plumber, boiler operator and gas line inspector.

Mary received her MFA from West Virginia Wesleyan College in 2015 and served as the poetry co-editor of HeartWood literary journal.

She was the co-creator of More Than Words* a monthly community literary event in Hurricane, West Virgina.  Mary’s poems have been published in many journals, one nominated for a Pushcart Prize and her chapbook In and Out of the Horse Latitudes was published in 2018 by Finishing Line Press. A longtime resident of West Virginia, she now lives with her husband in Punta Gorda, Florida.


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