Collateral Damage by Linda Beeman
There are times when poetry shows its rare ability to tell the truth in a way that sinks into your guts. Something you thought you knew before reading these poems, after the poems you really KNOW. Linda Beeman‘s language offers a straight path to a thicket of emotions, and by the last poem in the book I understood that we are all part of the collateral damage. These poems are a gift to me, and have left me with more empathy for the men and women we’ve sent to do our work in Afghanistan.
[5 of 5 Stars!]
Few poets have Linda Beeman’s courage. This new book brings us up close to soldiers, civilians and loved ones who suffer as a result of recent American wars and military interventions.
The poems are cut clean with grief, resonating in what Beeman describes as “one long ongoing chant/for redemption.” Truly, her chant is poignant.
–Frances McCue
[5 of 5 Stars!]
Here is a courageous book, one where men pray to rain, where men are executed in “retaliation for scorched words” that “are sacred.”
When the word “heat” becomes a moving elegy and “Traffic” a boy’s name–the reader realizes that poetry’s power, its impulse, is to name the world anew despite all the sorrows–or maybe because of them.
–Ilya Kaminsky
[5 of 5 Stars!]
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