Consider Some Flowers by keena boling



In poems both exquisite in their writing and sweeping in their range, Keena Boling’s Consider Some Flowers captures nothing less than mortality itself.  Bone, twine, poppies and petals: these and other surprising objects, such as the famous glass flowers, add to the rich texture of each poem.  And each is conveyed in a voice as modest as the book’s title, with the resulting aura of trust.  The beautiful writing in this collection contains a wisdom born of experience and tenderness born of compassion.

–John Skoyles


In spare lyric lines, Keena Boling’s poems traverse a landscape shadowed by winter and other mourned departures. But with a music that celebrates the bittersweet nature of all leave-takings, her poetry frames art’s beautiful permanence as an antidote to the wreckage wrought by nature’s constant metamorphosis. In an age of political and historical chaos, Boling’s poems offer a necessary salve.

–Dr. Roy Kamada





Consider Some Flowers

by keena boling

$14.99, paper



Keena Boling’s poetry has appeared in The White Whale Review, Snow Jewel 2, The Writing Disorder, Grey Sparrow Press, The Furnace Review, Into the Teeth of the Wind, and other print and online journals. She earned her MFA from Emerson College and lives in Boston with her husband and two daughters.


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