Edges of Wanting by Judith Mary Gee

(1 customer review)



For many years Judy Gee has circulated her poetry among her friends. Now at last she has brought together a selection of poems for a first volume. Hooray! I think of Judy as a contemporary Emily Dickinson. Not in the style of rhyme and stanza, but like Dickinson, Judy chooses imagery from current events, local knowledge, popular culture mixed with fragments of autobiography. With startling leaps of wild imagination, she fuses these images into poetry deeply felt that reveals a rich and profound soul.

–William Park, Faculty Emeritus, Sarah Lawrence College





Edges of Wanting

by Judith Mary Gee

$14.99, paper



Louisa May Alcott. William Butler Yeats. Yes! She likes the idea of using a name with three parts. She likes the look. So her writing is by Judith Mary Gee. (To friends, she is Judy.)

Judith Mary Gee holds a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from Sarah Lawrence College, as well as certificates conferred by the Consortium of New York Geriatric Education Centers.

This poet has earned her living mainly as a copy editor at publishing houses and as a figure model at art schools.

The hardest lesson Gee has had to learn is that she cannot control everything.