
Elegy in a Puddle by Don Barkin

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Philip Levine has written that Don Barkin’s work shows “wonderful skill.”


The poet Margaret Gibson wrote, “Don Barkin’s poems are memorable, unsettling, and welcome. They offer us ‘an ancient shadowed ache’ and a canny clarity; they offer straightforward honesty and deft, surprising turns of insight and image. That Dark Lake is a book that can touch the heart and evoke wry recognition at the same moment.”


Donald Brown, writing in The New Haven Advocate, commented that “. . . there is a sense of mastery in the lines themselves, of getting the upper hand on one’s own dark side by thinking of all ‘that made you suddenly quietly glad / for what you’ll only just have had.’”




Elegy in a Puddle

by Don Barkin

Full-length, paper

$21.99 List: $23.99

Pre-order Price Guarantee until May 23, 2025


This title will be released on July 18, 2025

Don Barkin has published poems in Poetry, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Prairie Schooner, Poetry Northwest, the North American Review, Harvard Magazine, The Louisville Review, and other journals. A full-length collection of his poems, That Dark Lake, published by Antrim House in 2009, was a finalist for the Connecticut Center for the Book’s Poetry Book of the Year award. He has published two other books with Antrim House: Houses (2017) and The Rest Stop at Wassaic (2020). He has twice been awarded artist grants by the State of Connecticut. Two chapbooks, The Caretakers and The Persistent, were published by Finishing Line Press.

Don Barkin was educated at Harvard and Cambridge universities. He is a former newspaper reporter. He has taught writing at Yale, Wesleyan, and Connecticut College. He has also taught high school. He lives in New Haven, Connecticut with his wife, Maggie. They have a daughter, Eve.


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