
Fret Not by Michael Shindler

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Michael Shindler’s poems come from somewhere deep within the heart of our literary heritage. At his best, Shindler is formally precise (but never stiff), learned (but never didactic or gratuitously opaque), charming (but never cute or cloying), personal (without self-importance), and traditional (without getting lost in thickets of unintentional pastiche). If poetry is to regain a serious readership, it will be because of poets like Michael Shindler.”

–Jeffrey Burghauser, poet and author of The Heavy Lifting: A Boy’s Guide to Writing Poetry


“These are superb poems. Atmospheric, sometimes even spooky, Shindler’s original poetry has a pure lyricism which reminds me of Goethe, Keats and D’Annunzio, the last of which he has translated very well. If you like their work, you’ll like Shindler’s. ”

–Burl Horniachek, editor of To Heaven’s Rim: The Kingdom Poets Book of World Christian Poetry


Michael Shindler‘s debut collection of poems, Fret Not, is Yeatsian in its vision. While remaining contemporary in its diction, it shares some of Yeats’ rhythms and vocabulary, as well as his penchant for finding insight in the natural world. The result is accessible yet subtle, and thoroughly enjoyable.”

–A.M. Juster, Plough Poetry Editor



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Fret Not

by Michael Shindler


$15.99  List: $17.99

Pre-order Price Guarantee until August 2, 2024


This title will be released on September 27, 2024

Fret Not is an invitation to see the wildwood of life in the half-light of a half-forgotten dusk. It begins with a stroll past the treeline, proceeds by way of encounters with various creatures, characters, and scenes, and ends with the twin laments of someone who has gone too far and someone who has not. It is the author’s childhood in brief.

Michael Shindler is a writer living in Washington, DC.



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