Her Bloody Project by Magdalena Louise Hirt



Magdalena Louise Hirt‘s Her Bloody Project is a courageous and clear-eyed interrogation of both a fictional text and of a traumatic episode in the author’s own life. But it is far more than just a literary response. It is a superb piece of work in its own right, forensically examining the manifold effects of sexual violence on the author. It is bold, intelligent, defiant and, above all, beautifully written.”

–Graeme Macrae Burnet, author of His Bloody Project


“This is poetry ablaze with passionate outrage from a woman with ‘dragon in my blood’. Triggered by a historical fiction, His Bloody Project, by Graeme Macrae Burnet, a multi-layered text exploring an eighteenth century crime in a small Scottish Highland community, Magdalena Hirt adds her own layer, which draws into the story the lived experience of rape, adding both a missing perspective to the novel and also a female interpretation, placing it here and now, wherever men take out their violent feelings of being ‘wronged’ on innocent women. In these succinct, brave, startlingly clear and moving poems, this poet gives us the gift of compassionate insight into horror and how to heal from the trauma that it causes.”

–Mandy Haggith, author of The Walrus Mutterer and Briny


Rape. What was your reaction as you read that word? Take a bit and try to describe it. What’s something you have never told anyone? Do you think one day you will not only confide it to your most trusted companion? How about making it public? The still unappreciated yet exceptional poet Magdalena Hirt has accomplished something as rare as rape is common: she has, in her courageous collection Her Bloody Project, transformed the mind-splintering experience of being raped into language that hits us full force where we feel we can’t keep on and yet we turn the page and continue encountering that unconscionable violation that ripped into Hirt’s psyche and her life from that vile moment on. And when we turn the last page we wonder how in this battering world she healed herself in a further way— with language, language never seen before. Magdalena Hirt, how could you make art out of the demonic destruction of this intimate union of man and woman? We know the response: she wrote it for us. Hirt writes “my history taken in a single thrill.” We know our worlds, our lives can be altered in a moment. For those who have suffered trauma of any kind, Magdalena will offer understanding and friendship. For those who have thus far escaped, Hirt will enable the possibility of empathy. All we can do after this experience of writing that matters is take a deep breath and to the author mutter, “Thank you.”

–Jack Ridl, author of Practicing to Walk Like a Heron









Her Bloody Project

by Magdalena Louise Hirt

Paper, Color




Her Bloody Project is a creative response to His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet. It follows the same form as Burnet’s novel, but it is filled with poetry that deals with being raped at the age of sixteen. This is my past, which can haunt me still, but by ekphrastically responding to another author’s creativity, it promotes a literary ripple of healing. It’s trauma-induced, rape-related, childhood-robbing, crime-inflicted, victim-ignored, self-blamed, teenage-wronged, real-life poetry.

Magdalena Louise Hirt has a Master of Arts in English Literature from the University of Toledo and a Master of Letters from the University of Highlands and Islands for Scottish Highlands and Islands Literature.

Magdalena has multiple published articles in Cruising World, one in Enchanted Living, and another in Literary Traveler. Her five poetry chapbooks, Levels of the Ocean, Her Sea-filled Arms: Layers of Blue, Pacific Pieces, Pacific Prescription: Leukemia Cyclone, and Her Bloody Project are available to purchase. Her first work of poetry and prose, Distant Story Blue, is also available. She has four self-published chapbooks, an article published via E-book from being a featured speaker at a conference in Oxford, and poems that have been published in The Holland Sentinel, News from Hope College, The Mill from the University of Toledo, and on display at the Toledo Museum of Art, which included first place and finalist awards. At Grand Valley State University, she received 1st place in fiction and 2nd place in poetry for the Oldenburg Writing Contest. She has been a featured speaker at a literary conference in Boston and two Poetry Speaks at the University of Toledo. She is currently finishing a script, a novel, a memoir, and more poetry. With her teaching degree, she has taught and inspired students of many ages.

Currently, she homeschools her four children and writes from her sailboat, which is a Westerly 49, named Selkie. Their family of six sails to circumnavigate the globe. So far, they have cruised, wintered, and been through lockdown in the following locations: the Great Lakes of Michigan, the Caribbean, the Bahamas, Bermuda, Azores, Ireland, Scotland, Norway, the circle of the Baltic Sea, the Bay of Biscay, Canary Isles, Cape Verde, back to the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Panama, French Polynesia, the Kingdom of Tonga, New Zealand, and soon-to-be Australia. These locations completed an Atlantic circumnavigation and a Pacific crossing. Her family plans to finish a global circumnavigation when time allows and continue to sail.

Magdalena enjoys cooking and dancing—most of the time together. With pen, spatula, and helm in hand, her sailing soul belongs on the sea where she chooses words, academics, ingredients, and destinations. Follow their story at www.sealongingselkie.net.



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