In Its Own Time by Marianne Brems

(2 customer reviews)



In It’s Own Time is beautifully crafted, with precision in a manner that delights the reader. The poet’s words appear to flicker through a zoopraxiscope as she unfolds their essence in a fresh and insightful sequence–the moment when the heron engages at the pond, or the golden retriever “is splayed” out by the pool. In each of the scenes Brems describes, she ultimately creates a “photograph” that the reader can store and remember:


with its own distress

with its own result

in its own time


–Annie Klier Newcomer is a poetry editor for the on-line publication, Flapper Press and is the author of the poetry chapbook, Comets: Relationships that Wander. 



Few writers draw me as close to their own essence as Marianne Brems. When she reveals the world she sees, I learn about her and I feel a partnership in treasuring life’s moments. In “Tangles of Loss,” there’s a quiet, unspoken empathy as poet and I watch the survivor of a husband’s passing. I feel their sorrow along with my own. Or there’s the great blue heron that’s landed nearby. The poet and I break away from “clicks” and “likes” to observe this scene together. It’s rare, to be drawn in so completely.

–Tim Flood is finishing his first novel, The Flower of Canaan. His story “Spaceman,” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize.






In Its Own Time

by Marianne Brems





In Its Own Time is a collection of poems that looks at how time is a critical element in the alignment of factors that determine when and how events occur. Whether in an ICU unit, at the entrance to a swimming pool, in the muddle at a yard sale, or on the banks of a river bed, these poems examine the nuances of events that could easily go unnoticed.

Marianne Brems is a long time writer of trade books and textbooks, but also loves to write poetry and short stories. She has an MA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. She is the author of the chapbook Sliver of Change. Her poems have also appeared in many literary journals including The Bluebird Word, Front Porch Review, Remington Review, and Green Ink Poetry. She lives, cycles, and swims in Northern California. Website: