How casually we say to ourselves and others that we all know that life is short and nothing is permanent. But if we turn, for example, toward those we love, our parents, or spouse, or children, and try to hold in mind the idea that impermanence only is lasting, then we start to realize how difficult yet centrally important this thought is. Here in these beautiful poems are the lyrics of the Dharma, the songs that show us how hard it is to find and stay on the path, and how liberating and meaning-full it can be when we do.
–Fred Marchant, Author of Said Not Said (Graywolf Press, 2017)
L.B. Williams is a writer who understands the way poetry can open doors. Her work is candid, weaving together threads of the past alongside questions about the future. The moments of revelation accumulate into a lovely panorama of the human experience.
–Lisa Jarnot, author of Joie de Vivre: Selected Poems 1992-2012 (City Lights Press).
Lisa Williams shows us a world split open, a glimpse inside a rock of violet quartz. Violet, because this collection is printed with spirituality, melancholy, and the colour of mourning, watered down by tears.
On the asphalt of New-York, death casts its shadow : there, where the cement of the foundations crumbles away, in the megalopolis which does not stop swallowing itself, the internal mapping remains, memories populated with ghosts. But will streets numbers and names be enough to anchor the soul worn out by the seasons ? Is not evanescence inexorable ?
Guided by Buddhist wisdom, the woman follows her path, Sutras become entangled with her own chant, root and free her altogether, revealing her true identity as poet : that of a disciple of Bashô, a « wind-swept spirit ».
–Maia Brami, author of Letter to the Poet a book Homage to Jean Cocteau, (Belin publishing),
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