Interpretaciones/Interpretations/Interpretações by Felipe Fiuza



Felipe Fiuza‘s engaging new book, InterpretacionesInterpretations/ Interpretações, achieves the remarkable feat of presenting each poem in 2 languages while establishing a dialogue with a third, creating an immersive experience of sound and vision. I admire the warmth of voice and personality of this work, as well as its formal ambition. The longer poems and sequences seamlessly match form with content and maintain a rewarding internal logic of design. Fiuza displays a bracing sense of humor, one of the more challenging tones to translate, and brings vitality to poems about such contemporary technological experiences as Zoom and identity theft. Fiuza finds a perfect counterbalance to his enlivening wit through a real sensitivity to suffering and personal sacrifice, particularly in “Bluegrass Leaves” and “Your Uncle Renato,” poems that engage the bonds of family and loss in ways no reader will soon forget.

–Jesse Graves–Author of Merciful Days, and Tennessee Landscape with Blighted Pine



O novo, envolvente, livro de Felipe Fiuza, Interpretaciones/Interpretations/Interpretações, alcança o feito notável de apresentar cada poema em 2 línguas enquanto estabelece um diálogo com uma terceira, criando uma imersiva experiência visual e sonora. Eu admiro a voz reconfortante e pessoal deste trabalho, bem como sua ambição formal. Os poemas longos e as sequências impecavelmente combinam forma e conteúdo mantendo uma recompensadora lógica interna de projeto. Fiuza demonstra um senso de humor revigorante, um dos tons mais difíceis de traduzir, trazendo vitalidade a poemas sobre experiências tecnológicas contemporâneas como Zoom e roubo de identidade. Fiuza encontra um equilíbrio perfeito para seu humor abrasivo ao demonstrar sensibilidade real sobre o sofrimento e o sacrifício pessoal, principalmente em poemas como “Folhas de Bluegrass” e “Seu tio Renato,” poemas que se aproximam dos laços familiares e da perda de maneiras que nenhum leitor irá esquecer tão cedo.

 –Jesse Graves–Autor de Merciful Days e Tennessee Landscape with Blighted Pine





by Felipe Fiuza

Full-length, Paper
Felipe Fiuza is a Brazilian who lives in Tennessee, and loves games, martial arts, his friends, his community, and his family. He is an Assistant Professor of Spanish at East Tennessee State University (ETSU), where he is also the Director of ETSU’s Language and Culture Resource Center. As director of the center, he works towards closing the gap between East Tennessean native speakers of English and people from other languages and cultures through language services, such as interpretations and translations, offered by the center. Felipe’s first poetry book, Ucideia, won first place in a peer-reviewed literary contest from the Federal University of Espírito Santo Press, and as a result, it was published on March, 6th, 2020. His research interests are linked to the intersection between literature and cognitive sciences, focusing in Brazilian Literature and in Literature from the Iberian Peninsula.