King of Infinite Space by Anna Priddy




Anna Priddy‘s The King of Infinite Space not only stems from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, but renews it — making us re-see Hamlet’s famous words in a new light as well as giving us a new, thrilling darkness. These poems turn phrases we thought we knew (whether scholar or lay reader) on their ears…and then gives voice to those we didn’t realize we had:


Dead men, though, dead men I like and the words

they left for me stir the blood and the mind,

as if increase of appetite had grown

by what it fed on. My ear, I will keep,

but my voice I will give to everyone.


–Mark Yakich is a poet, novelist, painter, and the Gregory F. Curtin, S.J., Distinguished Professor of English at Loyola University New Orleans. Author, most recently, of football, Poetry: A Survivor’s Guide, and Spiritual Exercises



The King of Infinite Space tenderly oscillates among death and intimacy, a yearning for an ending that will not come, for an ending that keeps coming. The poems radiate into infinite space, crossing dimensions, temporalities, stages, and play. In one vestibule: time. In another: gradient. The poems are a series of passing moments, lost scents, secrets of language and text, of ectoplasm pages. The poems are a series of textured intimations. The thing inside the poem summons us. The thing inside the poem breathes. And as it breathes it bleeds us, and as it bleeds a boy jumps, and as a boy jumps a girl reads beside water, in a garden, lying on green velvet, and it is like this, the poems ask us to remember: the ear, the poison, the wind, the ghost, the swear, the words, the lie, of space, of shaped prose, of work, of lyric.

–fahima ife, Maroon Choreography 







King of Infinite Space

by Anna Priddy

$15.99, paper



Anna Priddy teaches English at Louisiana State University. Her poems have appeared in Five Points, Connecticut Review, descant, Paper Street Press, Visions International, and other periodicals and websites. King of Infinite Space is her first chapbook.

Anna Priddy was born in Louisville, Kentucky, from whence she left immediately after high school for Mount Holyoke College. At Mount Holyoke, after some time writing fiction, she took a class on Lyric Poetry with Joseph Brodsky, and fell forever in love with poetry. She earned an MFA in Poetry Writing at Louisiana State University, as well as an MA and PhD in English. She is the author of two reference books: How to Write about Emily Dickinson and How to Write about William Faulkner. She has published scholarship on James Tate, Gjertrud Schnakenberg, Louise Gluck, Robert Penn Warren, Robert Lowell, and other writers. King of Infinite Space is her first chapbook.


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