Life Seasons by GAIL LIPE



At once beautiful, somber, piercing and joyful, Life Seasons‘ accessible imagery invites us to explore and take possession of our own life journeys. To accept. To react. And to heal.
–James Robert Kane – Author.


Gail Lipe is connected. Her words carry truth and joy. They can lift you dancing into the world of faerie when you step into forest or garden. They help you see clearly how life is worth living no matter the season of life you’re in. Page to page, cover to cover, her poetry flows like a stream through your being, filling your imagination: head, heart, and soul.

–Doug Munson – Poet and author.




Life Seasons


Full-length, Paper

$20.99 List: $22.99

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This title will be released on  May 9, 2025

Life Seasons takes you on a journey through the contrasting seasons of life. There are poems that reflect on life, nurture the soul, and speak of hope, poems that express the connection between nature and healing. Then there are poems that bare the soul and speak of betrayal and loss, not only loss of external things, but loss of self. Details of life and nature are captured with the essence of awe and wonder, interspersed with reflection.

Gail Lipe‘s lifelong passion for words has led her through years of stringing them together for creative writing, newspaper articles, columns, short stories, and journaling. An award-winning journalist for about 20 years, she received recognition for both her writing and photography. Lipe published a biography about her mother titled No Time to Quit: Life in a Broken Package, a fiction piece titled Things Change in The Jackpine Writers’ Bloc The Talking Stick Volume 25, a poem titled water’s journey in The Jackpine Writers’ Bloc The Talking Stick Volume 33 Earth Signs, and a fiction piece titled The Hunt in The RavensPerch. She also participates in  readings of her poetry and short stories.

Lipe is the mother of four grown children, has 11 grandchildren and lives in Chaska, Minnesota.



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