Limes and Compromise by Erika Saunders



Part botanist, part meteorologist, part zoologist, Erika Saunders offers visions of domestic life through an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of turtles, poppies, mangoes, cypress, and hippopotamus. We follow the arc of desire from “fields swathed / in burnt sunshine” to a more mature love where “dreams drift / around us like new-/born dogwood /blossoms, shaken / loose.” Saunders hooks her pinky finger in the surreal and spins her imagination, landing with “arms at a crossroad of bones.” You’ll savor the sensuous play in Limes and Compromise. Read it now.
–Christine Stewart-Nuñez, Author of Untrussed and Bluewords Greening





Limes and Compromise

by Erika Saunders

$14.99, paper



Erika Saunders lives in South Dakota with her husband and three children. Her poetry has been included in Cholla Needles, Watershed, TheRed Wheelbarrow, Noble Gas Quarterly, Pasque Petals and Oakwood Literary Magazine which awarded her the 2017 Anita Bahr Award for Outstanding Contributor.


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