
Living with the Spare On by Kimberly Reiss

Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $15.99.


Kimberly Reiss‘s Living with the Spare On is a poignant meditation on duty and desire, exhaustion and transcendence. With wry tenderness, Reiss finds poetry in the routines of daily life—the quiet rebellions, the unnoticed triumphs, the art of holding together while unraveling. A profound reminder that even when depleted, we are still becoming, still exquisitely alive.

–Amanda Stern, Little Panic: Dispatches from an Anxious Life


To read the poetry of Kimberly Reiss is to be ushered inside the mind of an extraordinarily curious and keenly observant woman. Living with the Spare On gives us the opportunity to indulge in the guilty pleasure of eavesdropping on the agile wanderings of her private thoughts, her technicolor feelings, her time-traveling memories, her go-to-the-end-of-the-earth ruminations and her wordplay as she goes about her day; eating breakfast, tending to her rambunctious child, napping, vacuuming, coming apart and coming back together again.

–Josh Gosfield, The Art of Doing, and upcoming ART and YOU


Kimberly Reiss‘ Living with the Spare On evokes a timeless wrestling between motherhood and selfhood, domestic comfort and despair and the never-ending search for the meaning of home. Though I imbibed these treasures in one delicious sitting, this is a thought-provoking collection that asks to be read again and again.

–Joanna Hershon, St. Ivo 







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Living with the Spare On

by Kimberly Reiss


$15.99 List: $17.99

Pre-order Price Guarantee until May 30, 2025


This title will be released on July 25, 2025

Living with the Spare On explores the co-existence of contradictory emotions; the delight and distress in beginnings, the mourning and freedom in endings, the inevitability and unraveling of time. The work sifts through generational legacy and ritual, the complexity of the mother daughter bond; what we hold on to and what we shed. The author captures surrender and wonder within the cracks of our chaotic daily lives. Through the singularity of sound, the beauty of taste, the tangibility of touch, Living with the Spare On allows us to look backwards and forward at the same time.

Ms. Reiss is a poet, memoirist, lover of flash fiction, performer, and licensed psychotherapist. Her work has been published in Roi Fainéant Press, Boats Against the Current, Open Door Magazine, Penumbra: Literary and Art Journal and others. Ms. Reiss is the creator of Motherhood Selfhooda workshop series and forthcoming book. She has completed her second chapbook, Dearest Titsand is currently working on a memoir, Fall to Grace.


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