Matches Strike Boxes by Jane Spencer



Growing up in Maine influenced the connection to nature that runs throughout Jane Spencer‘s first book of poems, Matches Strike BoxesInventively, she explores a multitude of animals, plant and other natural events, that reflect human emotions and personal struggles. She often redirects us from the seriousness commonly found in poetry, to humor instead. We see words appear from boot prints in snow, whales rejecting civilization, an egret as punk, the Zen perspective of a baby dragon, and a child communing with a bull in a pasture. How nature makes the best theatre comes through all her senses. A garden’s shadows can enrich one’s’ world, answering our desires. This writer reveals a truly philosophical approach to a world quickly fading from our consciousness.







Matches Strike Boxes

by Jane Spencer


List: $17.99



After working in the fine arts for decades, Jane switched to poetry. She loves expressing visual images in words, pulling meaning from the natural world, and contemplating our place within it. The pandemic turned her focus on how we think about death, vaccination led her to the afterlife.

Jane says poems allow her to connect unrelated experiences. A wonderful process of surprise and discovery for the soul.


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