Memoir of a Dead Woman by Barbara Fleming Phillips



In Memoirs of a Dead Woman, Barbara Fleming Phillips casts the reader in a role somewhat like a priest beside a death bed. We follow the woman’s thoughts as she recalls sins small and large, bad decisions, and historical forces that culminate in her lonely death. Trapped in an age-ravaged body, warehoused in a care facility, she is unable to ask for help. Attendants fail to notice her uneaten meals or her acute symptoms, her excruciating pain. Structured as a single long poem, the book is divided into sections by notations of time — like notes on a hospital chart or a book of hours. Fleming-Phillips’s spare, powerful style allows the reader to experience the full horror of this woman’s suffering, both physical and emotional. The rhythm of her story telling is exquisite; her vision is stark but compassionate.

–Sherry Chandler






Memoir of a Dead Woman

by Barbara Fleming Phillips

$18.99, Full-length, paper



Barbara Fleming Phillips’ chapbook of poetry Early Lessons was published in 2009.  Her poems have also appeared in The Binnacle, Calliope, The Heartland Review and JAMA.  This is her first full length poetry collection. She resides in Lexington, Kentucky.