Miss American Sky by Chad Hanson



Reading the poems in Chad Hanson’s Miss American Sky feels a little like looking out a car window at a passing world that is stranger, gentler, and much more concerned with compassion than more familiar places often are. As this marvelous collection zips by, moments snap into focus and then linger. Was that a woman or a coyote? Did that man just swim through the pavement? These poems are not quite like anything else I’ve read recently. They make me want to pull over, leave the car door open, and watch some wild horse manes whip around in the wind.

–Matt Daly, author of Red State and Between Here and Home


Chad Hanson observes the essence of human nature and creates poetic marvels. He writes captivating lines like “Sometimes, with crows, they watch us so carefully that our suffering starts to slip up into theirs,” and “This spring, Cody happened upon a god-shaped hole.” There’s an inexplicable wonderment about his poems.

–Mandie Hines, author of Origami Stars and Hot Air Moon


Somewhere during the course of reading Miss American Sky, I was overcome with a feeling that I wasn’t just reading a poetry collection. I was, in fact, wandering through an ocean of lives, eavesdropping on the Raymond Carver-esque conversations, wavering between the strange, the ordinary, the strangely ordinary, and the ordinarily strange. These poems offer any reader something to connect with and hold on to.

–Nicholas Trandahl, author of Think of Me and Bravery




Miss American Sky

by Chad Hanson

$19.99, Full-length, paper



In Miss American Sky, Chad Hanson’s third full-length collection, places turn into people. Men become birds and women will themselves into the shape of coyotes. Or maybe they were creatures all along? In Hanson’s work the rational vision of life shares the stage with one where impossibilities fit neatly inside of the everyday. The lines that separate the familiar from the uncanny begin to fade, and in the space that opens up between, we find insights on the state of our humanity. 

Chad Hanson serves as director of the Wyoming Mustang Institute: wyomustangs.org. When he isn’t wandering the prairie with a camera, making pictures of the last remaining bands of wild horses in the West, he teaches courses in sociology and religion at Casper College.
Hanson’s nonfiction titles include Swimming with Trout and Trout Streams of the Heart. He is also the author of two full-length collections of poems: Patches of Light and This Human Shape.