Naming the Invisible by Barbara Branch Bates



In her new collection Naming the InvisibleBarbara Branch Bates tenderly guides the reader through uneasiness, loss, and subtle wonder where “you feel how the universe is moving / toward disorder by the heat expelled.” Branch Bates’ poetry is powerful and full of life in all forms of passion, of suffering, and of beauty.

–Leah Huete de Maines




Naming the Invisible

by Barbara Branch Bates

$19.99, Full-length, paper



Naming the Invisible explores the role that words play in keeping what makes life beautiful from disappearing into the everyday battles that stain the world with sorrow.

Barbara grew up in San Francisco and graduated from University of California in Berkeley with a degree in Comparative and Italian Literature during the Free Speech Movement in the Sixties. She has worked for the Modern Language Association in N.Y.C. and for the San Francisco Suicide Prevention Center. She has one previous book of poems and some essays on DH Lawrence published in Italy where she resided for several years. She has recently completed a collection of short stories, entitled, Missed Connections. She currently lives in Santa Barbara, Ca.