Nests by Kara Provost





by Kara Provost

$14, paper

I am a poet, runner, mother, and college professor. I have a new book of poems which is a collaboration with two other poets coming out from Main Street Rag in early 2011. I also recently published “Figures of Speech” with the Origami Poems project (look for these little free poem collections in RI/MA bookstores, libraries, and coffee shops!). I have poetry and memoir published or forthcoming in Connecticut Review, Main Street Rag, Hurricane Alice, The Newport Review, Tar Wolf Review, The Aurorean, and other journals, as well as in an anthology edited by David Starkey and Wendy Bishop, In Praise of Pedagogy: Poetry, Flash Fiction, and Essays on Composing. I teach writing and direct the First Year Honors Program at Curry College in addition to conducting creative writing workshops for elementary students through adults. Although I grew up in Florida, I have grudgingly learned to tolerate winter and now live near Providence, RI with my husband and two daughters.


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