promiscuous beauty by Martin Arnold

(1 customer review)



Martin Arnold‘s Promiscuous Beauty is a celebration of the messiness and contradictions of our everyday lives. But it’s also more than that. Dig a little deeper and you will find that Arnold is giving us “a study in patience, an apprenticeship in awareness.” The language is down to earth and direct, the images building one after another, line after line, stanza after stanza, poems after poem, revealing a world that is, despite what we often see and hear on the news, actually filled with humor and compassion. This is the book of poet whose vision is growing in breadth and depth, which is, after all, what we want from the best of our writers.

–Terry L. Kennedy, author of New River Breakdown


Thank goodness for the beautiful, wild, sane poems of Martin Arnold. These poems are the fruit of knowledge found in deep engagement and conversation with the human and natural landscapes. Despite his modesty and protestations, in his poem, “Promiscuous Beauty,” one of three with that name that punctuate the text, he is indeed: “a cartographer of clouds and confidant of stars, a recorder of the movement of boulders, an acolyte of the wind.” This is a powerful and wonderful selection of poems by a poet ripening to wisdom.

–Stuart Dischell





promiscuous beauty

by Martin Arnold

$14.99, paper



Martin Arnold has taught at numerous colleges and universities, including Guilford College, where he served as a Visiting Assistant Professor. He earned an MA from New Mexico State University and an MFA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has served as the poetry editor of The Greensboro Review, and as an assistant poetry editor for storysouth and Puerto del Sol. His work has been published in many fine journals including Crazyhorse, the Carolina Review, Denver Quarterly, and Best New Poets 2012. His first chapbook, A Million Distant Glittering Catastrophes, won the 2009-2010 Pavement Saw Chapbook Award. Earthquake Owner’s Manual won the 2013 Unicorn Press First Book Award. He currently teaches at V. Sue Cleveland High School in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.

1 review for promiscuous beauty by Martin Arnold

  1. Albert tannet

    It was majestic and amazing the words glided on my tongue

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