QUOTIDIAN by Caroline Holme



The quotidian is dangerous, mined with “the undertow of day,” as Caroline Holme demonstrates in her second collection of poems. QUOTIDIAN pairs complex family portraits with a vision of growing up that brings on the sober recognition “Sorrow holds my sandcastle like the sea.” In a variety of poetic forms, Holme also turns her eye “to the darkness…where art comes from.” Read these poems to admire the cruel (line) breaks, subtle echoes, and stunning descriptions. Holme schools us to “listen like the deaf.”

–Marion Brown


Caroline Holme is a poet’s poet. Not only is she well-read in the canon, she is well-versed in reinterpreting the great themes of alienation, betrayal, the seasons, and the family drama. From the first poem in the collection, “Shut-in,” Holme voices her mission, “I’m finding my way back to a place/where I never felt at home, as if I could repair the damage done.” Although the speaker in “Message in a Bottle” “sees the end in everything” and “forgets how to hope,” she is also “still indefatigable in love.” Holme’s work is a marriage of the hyperbole of the metaphysical and the passionate interiority of the confessional. In the stunning “Purple Tulips,” a clear homage to Plath, Holme sets her razor vision on the bulb that has captivated writers and artists for centuries. “Tulips never really open except to die.” By the time we read these lines, we know that she is talking about more than the famed flower. That is the power of Holme’s best work; when most successful, her poems can be read literally and metaphorically. The poems in “Quotidian” are anything but commonplace. I look forward to reading what she writes next.

–Jennifer FranklinCo-Editor, Slapering Hol Press, Program DirectorThe Hudson Valley Writers’ Center



by Caroline Holme

$13.99, paper



Caroline Holme has variously studied with Jennifer Franklin, Alex Dimitrov and Fred Marchant at the Hudson Valley Writers’ Center in Westchester, N.Y.; and also at Sarah Lawrence Writers’ Institute with Elaine Sexton. She published a previous chapbook, Cold Crumbling, with Finishing Line in 2012.