RedRaw by Ali Meyung



RedRaw is a sacred letter to the body, touched by scalpels, scar tissue, retrograde menstruation, tiny stars of elliptical light. We see the body in its deepest color / stark bare. The fascia scraped thin / down to its riddled core. But for every “ritual wound,” there’s also translation: a grandmother’s “sovereign womb” as constellation. A vessel for matrilineal wonder. This work is ovumnal, prompting your “body to stop short / & feel the vibrations of underworld rivers & hear chthonic deity whispering.” A murmur, a howl, the sounds of honed blade at the threshold. Keen!

–Michelle Naka Pierce, author of Continuous Frieze Bordering Red


RedRaw is a site of changing encounters begging a reader to shed their skin. Beginning at the site of the navel, Ali Meyung unravels an ovum umbilical cord from maternal grandmother to Marilyn Monroe, to Inanna, and finally to Salomé. Through etymology, visual poetry, and an attunement to the sonic quality of the female body, this collection creates a new visual language for endometriosis, a red constellation of how we encounter uterine pain. Dirt, blood, popular culture, this book is a dark delight.

–Amy Bobeda, Red Memory








by Ali Meyung


List: $19.99



Ali holds an MFA from the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University, where she currently serves as adjunct faculty and associate director of the Writing Center.  She is a martial artist, educator, artist, cat & glitter lover from Denver, Colorado.


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