Retracing My Steps by Jayne Moore Waldrop, NWVS #144



Jayne Moore Waldrop’s  Retracing My Steps is presented as a chapbook but the power of the poems inside give it the force of a fully achieved book. Waldrop’s voice is strong, clear, confident, convincing. The nineteen poems, several two pages in length, reflect the mature consciousness of a strong, observant woman who shares what she sees and hears, thinks, experiences and remembers. An occasional colloquial touch in some of the poems grounds the writing in regional earth. Retracing My Steps is a solid achievement.

–Gurney Norman, Kentucky Poet Laureate 2009-2010, Author of Divine Right’s Trip and Kinfolks: The Wilgus Stories


“Re-vision–the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new critical direction—is for women more than a chapter in cultural history: it is an act of survival.” Adrienne Rich wrote those words, imagining the rescue that happens when one woman dares to remember. In “Retracing My Steps” Jayne Moore Waldrop debuts a voice capable, not only of re-visioning her own life, but also those of countless other women….Waldrop is that rare writer who understands each and every woman holds in her body a story as big as myth, both sacred and shared. Buy this little book. Give it to your mother, your grandmother, your son. Then write the first word of your story. Jayne and I, we dare you.

–Rebecca Gayle Howell, author of American Purgatory and Render /An Apocalypse, James Still Writer-in-Residence, Hindman Settlement School, and poetry editor for Oxford American.


In this debut chapbook, Jayne Moore Waldrop maps her own and her family’s journey with a clear eye and a steady voice….An added gift of these carefully crafted poems is how they call us to consider our own journeys. I look forward to where Waldrop will take us next.

–George Ella Lyon, Kentucky Poet Laureate 2015-2016, author of Many-Storied House: Poems and Where I’m From




Retracing My Steps, NWVS #144

by Jayne Moore Waldrop

$14.99, paper



Jayne Moore Waldrop is a writer and attorney who serves as literary arts liaison at the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning in Lexington, Kentucky. She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky (B.A., J.D.) and Murray State University’s MFA in Creative Writing Program, and her work has appeared in the Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Still: The Journal, New Madrid Journal, Appalachian Heritage, Minerva Rising, New Limestone Review, The Paddock Review, Sequestrum, Heartland Review, Luna Station Quarterly, Kudzu, and Deep South Magazine. Her stories have been selected as Judge’s Choice in the 2016 Still Journal Fiction Contest; finalists for the 2015 Reynolds Price Fiction Prize, the 2016 Tillie Olsen Fiction Award, and 2017 Still Journal Fiction Contest; and honorable mention in the 2014 AWP Intro Journals Project. Her poetry chapbook Retracing My Steps was a finalist in the 2018 New Women’s Voices Chapbook Competition. A former book columnist for the Louisville Courier-Journal, she served two terms on the Kentucky Arts Council and is a Kentucky Foundation for Women grant recipient. Her family includes husband Alex; sons Alexander and John; daughter-in-law Allysan; Cuddles and Daisy Finch.


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