Second Sight by Daryl Hafter



Daryl Hafter‘s poetry is universal and personal and her subjects go far and wide—- a walk in the neighborhood, a tree which has become a friend, a woman fleeing during Exodus from Egypt–a dialogue with herself about the existence of a divinity, the pleasure of reading scriptures, the contradiction of religious belief, doubt. Diverse subjects, always treated with wit and humor.

–Clare Goldfarb, Fmr Chair, English Department, Western Michigan University


In this collection of wonderful poetry, the story each one tells with vivid visual imagery immediately captures the reader’s attention. The writing is direct and powerful, the language is chosen for impact as well as beauty, and the underlying structure is strong. Poems such as the stunning Consolation are unforgettable.

–Monica Starkman, MD, University of Michigan


Daryl Hafter‘s “Second Sight” is a poetic journey through time past as it is given new life in the present, and as a historian, she is well qualified to take such an approach.
There is a sense of spiritual unity in these poems about daily life touched by nature, beautifully illustrated both by the words and the paintings that accompany them.

–Bette W. Oliver, Ph.D., Poet and historian, University of Texas at Austin






Second Sight

by Daryl Hafter

Full-length, Paper




Pre-order Price Guarantee until December 27, 2024


This title will be released on February 21, 2025

The poems in Second Sight explore the world of nature as it speaks to us, enjoying, questioning, and complaining in our shared earthly home. We hear the moaning of a tree being cut down, and the ecstasy of wind-tossed Autumn branches. We learn to bear grief through the screen of mountain forests. But our lived experience goes beyond material things. My adult Bat Mitzvah opened questions. I had new ways of thinking about Creation and humanity. I wondered, Why do we have a flawed universe? What is our role in “Tikun Olam”—repairing the world? These poems present glimpses into the rich and full life surrounding us all.

A poet and historian, Daryl Hafter has published three books on women in eighteenth-century France, with the support of the American Philosophical Society and the National Science Foundation.  She has a B.A. from Smith College and a Ph.D from Yale University. Her life-long poetry writing was inspired by growing up in a rural Utopian community called Free Acres.  Her home now is Ann Arbor, Michigan.


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