Some Wild Woman
by Esther Sadoff
List: $17.99
Some Wild Woman is a series of portraits that capture the messy and delicious chaos of family life. The poems focus on the poet’s mother who is a veritable force of nature: a source of joy, of mystery, and of nourishment. We meet the mother in a kitchen brimming with fruit, a car fumbling around the roundabout, a piano lesson where she reigns supreme. Wherever this mother goes, she leaves a little bit of herself, transforming her world. Yet running through each poem is the question of the self. How to make it in this rough-and-tumble world? By attempting to make sense of her mother, the author seeks to make sense of herself. The mother of Some Wild Woman will make you want to (in the words of the author), “show up show up show up.”
Esther Sadoff is a teacher and writer from Columbus, Ohio. Her poems have been featured or are forthcoming in Up the Staircase Quarterly, Hole in the Head Review, Little Patuxent Review, Jet Fuel Review, Cathexis Poetry Northwest, Pidgeonholes, Red Ogre Review, South Florida Poetry Journal, among others. She is the author of several forthcoming chapbooks: Serendipity in France, Finishing Line Press; Dear Silence, Kelsay Books, and If I Hold My Breath, Bottlecap Press. She was nominated for a Pushcart in 2023 by Hole in the Head Review.
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