Spirit Animal Lessons by Brenda Galloway Conway



“In Spirit Animal, Brenda Galloway Conway pens deep insights from her soul. Her poems are sometimes playful and sometimes reflect pain; however, they are more often deep and thought-provoking. She is a master weaver of words, painted on the mind’s canvas. When reading House, I found that I’ve often wondered the same thing as Conway about the stories an old house could tell. Winter Sister comforts us by reminding us that the harsh times of our lives prepare us for new birth and productivity. Old Skin reminds us of the beauty of our lives, even though beauty is no longer reflected in the mirror. I invite you to make yourself a cup of hot tea, ease into your most comfortable chair, and read a poem. Afterward, close your eyes and let it continue to tell its story. See it. Hear it. Let it touch your heart.  Then, read another poem from this enchanting book.”

–Linda Apple, 2023 Arkansas Writers Hall of Fame Inductee


Brenda Galloway Conway’s poetry evokes a sense of memory of experiences yet to come. It is as if she is offering tender warnings of changes already absorbed or still on the way. She allows her words to render an essence of not so confidential familiarity. Unsettling maybe, but comforting all the same.”

–Marcia Gaye – Writer, Poet and Reviewer


Spirit Animal Lessons the poetry of Brenda Galloway Conway features her ability weave language and life lessons into a tapestry that combines an understanding of the profound sensory images that come with loss as well as the ability to graciously apologize for how a car was parked. Her ability to use words to convey images and evoke emotions from the reader makes this collection a must-read for poetry lovers of all ages.”

–Clarissa Willis – Author, Consultant, Educator






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Spirit Animal Lessons

by Brenda Galloway Conway





Pre-order Price Guarantee until January 31, 2025


This title will be released on  March 28, 2025

Spirit Animal Lessons captures the common moments in this blind curve thing we call life.   Like hide and seek shafts of sun through trees, there are glimpses of difficult paths of our own making and the loss that shreds us when God blinks.  You will find love; of self, of others, of the elegance and brutality of nature.  The eponymous poem of this collection explores the constriction that we feel when our authentic self is put in a straight jacket.  A microcosm of the extraordinary nature of the everyday, this collection holds these universal moments to the light and casts the prism created across the page.

Brenda Galloway Conway is a life-long Midwesterner.  She currently lives in the Ozarks with her husband and the flying squirrels that visit most nights.  She writes poetry, short stories, and children’s books.  Brenda loves small towns, nonprofits, and nature.





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