Spirit Extracts by Leng Moua



Leng Moua’s Spirit Extracts chronicles a young man’s journey to the land of his Hmong ancestors to discover/recover the spirit-tongue of his fathers. These powerful poems wrestle with the dilemma of the second generation Hmong-American caught between two cultures, himself split like the ox horns used in Hmong ritual. Told by relatives that he resembles a grandfather he hardly knew, the speaker of “Calling Them to Come Eat” says, “I am his shared-blood child / extending an unfamiliar legacy / to aliens whose Fathers call me alien.” Alternately raw and ethereal, Moua’s poems are refreshingly unique, each haunting lyric an extract from the spirit world. And just below that noun’s surface lies its meaning as verb: to remove or take out, especially by effort or force. Leng Moua’s poems call to the spirits, those removed from their land by the horrors of war, and those lost to the trials of American life. Attend, reader, and you will hear that call.

–Joshua McKinney, author of Small Sillion


Navigating the embodied and disembodied, these powerful poems offer us a relationship with the ancestors, the practice and fulfillment of ceremony and ritual, a remembrance of war’s past and an acknowledgement of displaced lives in the midst of exile as Hmong people. There is so much rattling and profound language to take in, from the assertion of “My father’s belly sat on his lap like a child” to the visual wonderment of “we are familiar bodies like / grasshoppers, solitary / studying the shape of our wings.” Moua’s offerings of language demonstrate deft care toward imagery, syntactical constructions, and sonic resonances, rewarding the reader with lines like “I am an egg laid on alien banks.” This is the work of a poet on his way to achieving balance and complexity between this world and the next, between ancestors of the past and the ones to come in the future.

–Mai Der Vang





Spirit Extracts

by Leng Moua

$14.99, paper



Leng Moua is a Hmong poet from Central Valley California. Born to Hmong immigrant parents in Fresno, CA, he is part of the second generation of the Hmong population living within the United States.

Leng studied at CSU Sacramento and received his BA in English. It was during his time there that he started to learn more about the poetics and began to express himself as a poet as he also became more compelled to reconnect with his own culture and identity.

Having experienced the adventures of teaching English to children in the foreign country of Thailand, Leng looks to continue his journey in the surrounding countries of Southeast Asia. He enjoys going on hikes and being out in nature. Currently, he resides in his hometown of Merced, CA.




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