The Flightless Years
by Jamie L. Smith
Full-length, Paper
List: $22.99
The poems and essay fragments in The Flightless Years investigate the relationship between memory, myth, and meaning. When our heroes fail us, and we can’t reconcile our love for someone with their actions, do myths and the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves help or harm? Over the course of The Flightless Years, a beloved friend commits a violent crime, a mother’s mental illness destabilizes the speaker’s childhood, and the speaker’s own addiction wreaks havoc on her relationships. Still, Icarus flew before he fell, and Persephone returned from the underworld. The figures present in these pages, however flawed, find their thrills, and revel in beauties ranging from the crushed glass that glitters like stars on the sidewalk to the greater cosmos and constellations.
Jamie L. Smith holds an MFA from Hunter College (2020) and is a PhD candidate in English Literature & Creative Writing at University of Utah (2024). Her poems, nonfiction, and hybrid works appear in publications including Bellevue Literary Review, Red Noise Collective, Southern Humanities Review, Tusculum Review, The Write Launch, Red Wheelbarrow, and elsewhere. She lives and writes between Salt Lake and New York City.
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