The Science of Unvanishing Objects by Chloe N. Clark



Missing girls, lost women, fortune tellers, ghosts, black holes, demons, magic—these are the “unvanishing objects” of Chloe Clark’s abiding affection.  From an overheard mundane bus conversation, to calm confrontations with the dead and missing, to an embrace of the vasty reaches of the universe, Clark explores the erotics of desire and fulfillment, the uncanny dazzlement of daily life.  These lovely and moving poems look the abyss unflinchingly in the face and find there succor and love.  The Science of Unvanishing Objects  is truly a book of wonders, a wonder of a book.

–Ronald Wallace, co-founder of Uw Madison’s creative writing program and is a celebrated poet with many books out.




The Science of Unvanishing Objects

by Chloe N. Clark

$13.99, paper



Chloe N. Clark holds an MFA in Creative Writing & Environment. Her poetry and fiction appears in Apex, Booth, Hobart, Gamut, Midwestern Gothic, and more. She teaches at Iowa State University, writes for Nerds of a Feather, and can be found on Twitter @PintsNCupcakes.



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