The Scientist’s Wife by Miriam Flock – NWVS #158



Flock’s The Scientist’s Wife is a solution, not a resolution:  The many variables of enduring love float in a murky suspension—what do we know, how do we transact, what are the impediments within the boundaries of commitment?—that Flock’s poems, one by one, clarify. Her work is what science terms “elegant”: shrewd, exacting, and necessary.

–Michael J. Rosen, author, poet, and painter




The Scientist’s Wife – NWVS #158

by Miriam Flock

$14.99, paper



Miriam Flock’s poetry has appeared in Poetry, Chicago Review, Georgia Review, Salmagundi, and other publications. Winner of the 2019 Anna Davidson Rosenberg Award for Poems on the Jewish Experience, she holds a master’s degree in creative writing from Stanford University.  Flock lives in California where she served as chief operating officer of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University.