UPSTREAM by Mark B. Hamilton



“…remarkably told in trenchant verse … a wail and a love song ….”
–Robert Michael Pyle


“…written beautifully … a wonderful adventure.”
–David Remnick



“It is Hamilton’s deft skill that anchors the reader to each line throughout penetrating and wondrous landscapes.”
–Leah Huete de Maines


“… brilliant imagery, and a certain sense of understatement connecting the reader to something undeniably spiritual.”
–Marilyn L. Taylor


“… Hamilton offers a new ambition and a new voice to contemporary poetry. Here is a poet who is witness to the physical world as much as the intellectual world. A poet who reports on the great and the small things on Earth.”
–Judith Baumel



Zoom reading:












by Mark B. Hamilton





UPSTREAM gives form to a belief that life, itself, is a relationship with the Earth. Inspired by the Eastern tradition of the travelogue, and guided by the sensibilities aroused by Native Nation cosmologies, this chapbook lifts the reader gently up the Mississippi River, from its confluence with the Ohio to the Missouri. As a personal memoir of paddling a kayak in early winter, this sequence chronicles a conjoining of self, history, and environmental awareness in an age of climate change. For information about the author, see:

Mark B. Hamilton is an environmental neo-structuralist, working with diachronic forms to transform content, adapting from both Eastern and Western traditions.


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