Wamponomon: The Place of Shells by Karen Petersen



Wamponomon is, for Karen Petersen, not just “the place of shells”; it is also the setting for poems that are, by turns resonant, reflective, defining, and beautiful. The fragments of Native American language that persist as the names of towns give way to elegies for lost people and lost moments against a backdrop of struggling bakeries, bookstores, and diners remembered from a distant time. Through it all, Long Island’s natural beauty—its circling gulls, wandering foxes, and sprawling bays—reminds us that Petersen’s public and personal history is grounded in this fragile, authentic landscape—a place where “the quiet lapping of waves, rhythmic, blue” is also a place where “[e]very phrase [is] soaked in salt and blood.”

–Ned Balbo, author of The Cylburn Touch-Me-Nots and 3 Nights of the Perseids


Wamponomon: The Place of Shells, is a remarkable journey of memory through time, a reflection on nature, culture, and history- -“garnished with feathers” in a seamless blend that reiterates the kaleidoscopic intersection of American life.
–Kelvin Opeoluwa Kellman, Editor in Chief, The Stockholm Review of Literature





Wamponomon: The Place of Shells

by Karen Petersen


List: $17.99



WAMPONOMON: The Place of Shells is a poignant and heart-breaking look at the past we all carry within us. A reflection on place, it is the Long Island of the author’s childhood, but also the history of the land, both real and imagined. It is both small town America and colonialism writ large, and reading through this collection of poems will take the reader on an unforgettable journey through time and memory.

KAREN PETERSEN has published poetry, short stories, and flash both nationally and internationally.  Her poems have been translated into Persian and Spanish, and she has been nominated for numerous prizes, including ten Pushcarts, and most recently long-listed for the UK’s international Bridport Prize, Forward Prize, and Australia’s Peter Porter Prize.  In 2022, her chapbook “Trembling,” published by Kelsay Books, won the Wil Mills Award, judged by Annie Finch, and her poem “The Price of Love” was nominated for Best of the Net.  New work is in The Wallace Stevens Journal and The Cimarron Review. More information can be found at: https://karenpetersenwriter.com


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