WELLSPRINGS by Elizabeth Shafer



Poems are brave. They risk so much when they expose the heart-soul of the poet. In Wellsprings, Elizabeth Shafer is a brave poet, daring us join her on a word-journey as she blazes through reminiscence and reflection, mainly of her family. Through her poems we engage in a profound act of love.

–Bo Niles, author of crescendo/decrescendo.


“Bravely written of family, of sorrow, and of love and joy; of depression, longing and loss; but also celebration! In her writing we see the colours in her tone of describing life with all the surprises, the disappointments, and the hanging on.”

–Jan Randolph, author of Onion Snow






by Elizabeth Shafer

$14.99, paper



Elizabeth Shafer is an artist, writer, and lawyer. She has taken courses at the Art Students League,  the R & F Encaustic Studio, and  the Woodstock School of Art, and exhibits her work at the Emerge Gallery in Saugerties, N.Y. She was a Contributor in Poetry at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference in August 2015. She is involved in environmental issues and has been a Board Member since 1991 of the Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy.



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