What I Don’t Know by Donna Wolf-Palacio



by Aimee Penna


What I Don’t Know

by Donna Wolf-Palacio

$14, paper

Donna Wolf-Palacio‘s two chapbooks of poetry, “What I Don’t Know” and “The Other Side” were published by Finishing Line Press. She received an MFA in Poetry from Columbia University’s School of the Arts. She taught a poetry workshop at University of the Arts in Philadelphia for several years and was editor/consultant of the UARTS Poetry Review. She has published in “Poetry”, “The Pennsylvania Gazette”, “Voices”, “Intro”, “The Interpreter”, “Writing from the Heart: Poems about Adoption”, and “The Musehouse Journal”. Her poems written in response to paintings by Laura Pritchard were put to music by Kile Smith, resident composer, in a performance by Lyric Fest Opera Company.
Donna has a chapter in “Psychodynamic Perspectives on Working with Children, Families, and Schools”. She worked as a Senior Staff Psychotherapist and Supervisor at Pennsylvania Hospital for 23 years and currently teaches in the graduate school at Temple University. She has received grants and fellowships from The Leeway Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, New York University, Bryn Mawr College, the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia, the Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Institute of New York, and the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts.
She wrote a collection of versions of Chinese poems, “The Heart of the Dragon”, which was illustrated by Kitty Caparella and which won the Print Award from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. She used the Harmony Grant from the Leeway Foundation to organize a reading of Arab-American and Jewish-American women poets after 9/11.
Donna lives in Philadelphia with her husband and daughter.