What to Keep
by Carlene M. Gadapee
List: $17.99
What to Keep is a collection of keen observations: choices made, minor regrets, small successes, and questions asked. There aren’t always answers to the questions, but the poems in this collection explore the particular things and experiences that lead us to them. Readers are invited into the poet-speaker’s musings about childhood, of family, of companionship, and of loss. We follow the speaker as she walks through time: capturing minnows, high school crushes and college mistakes, marriage, the deaths of parents, and finally, a note of hope for the future, whatever it may have in store. In the end, “what to keep” becomes what remains, what is precious, and what forms the foundation of a life filled with joy, sorrow, and finally, of contentment.
A poet-teacher both by vocation and by trade, Carlene M. Gadapee’s poetry and critical reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in many publications, including English Journal, Waterwheel Review, Gyroscope Review, Smoky Quartz, Think, Allium, Vox Populi, and MicroLit Almanac. She also received a “Best of the Net” nomination in 2023. Carlene lives and works in northern New Hampshire.
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