Willow Tree by Harriet Ribot



The willow tree that forms the heart of Ribot’s collection is constantly evolving, “roughed up by high winds,” putting forth “a profusion of tightly knit buds” and then new leaves “like pigtails sporting a tie.”  The poet renders what she sees faithfully, precisely, in musical lines that capture both the willow’s beauty and its vulnerability as it holds light and shadow, the present and the past, blue jays and cardinals. Poem by poem, the willow becomes an apt figure for the natural world as well as for our own passing lives.
–Jennifer Barber


Harriet Ribot paints with words, creating a portrait of a willow with March boughs “clean and spare/as a whippet/straining/at the starting gate.” With sparse lines she creates mystery, elegy, and focused attention. Step in among the leaves and imagine what tales she has braided into a crown, with grace.

–Tina Kelley, author of Rise Wildly and Abloom & Awry.






Willow Tree

by Harriet Ribot

$15.99, paper



With humor and pathos, Harriet Ribot incorporates a thinly veiled odyssey of life around her. She became a Registered Nurse at twenty, married at twenty-two, raised four successful sons through the seventies and eighties, and collated the works and biography of friend, classical guitarist and composer Frantz Casseus into a book of sheet music for Solo Guitar: “The Complete Works of Frantz Casseus” (Tuscany Publications, 2003). She then earned her long-desired BA with a concentration in Journalism at Rutgers-Newark.  She credits her successes to her very supportive family and a book she often read to her children The Little Train that Could (Platt and Monk, 1930).


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