Wooden Horses by John Brogan



Wooden Horses is about the juxtaposition of family and work, love and society. Brogan’s words highlight different aspects of everyday life and focuses on becoming a father for the first time. Brogan highlights these balances with at times naive, poetic forms that ring with subtle, yet relatable detail. We all must navigate the sometimes complicated waters of relationships and family, but where there is struggle, there is truth. Brogan’s words will  haunt the reader with familiar ghosts and inspire a fresh understanding.   “These poems are time traveling and sturdy! Brogan utilizes classic poetic devices in “Wooden Horses”, poems about family bonds, work life and the act of balancing both. These stanzas and lines embrace the natural and simple wonders of life. His lyric and patterns are humorous, honest, and refreshing like a morning breath of spring dew.

–Kisha Nicole Foster, Author of Poems 1999-2014 and Bloodwork.





Wooden Horses

by John Brogan

$13.99, PAPER



John Brogan was born in Cleveland, OH. He is involved in and supports renewable energy, and is a hobby musician and avowed bibliophile. Brogan has recently welcomed his first son, Victor Mackenzie, into the world. These experiences have encouraged fresh insights as he moonlights writing poetry, his favorite occupation, at his home in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. John is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University, where he earned a BA in Cognitive Science.


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